Ethereum ecosystem
EVM compatibility
Gas payments in TON
High TPS
Native Yield for TON, ETH & Stablecoins
Low commissions
Tonereum preserves full compatibility with EVM bytecode and the Ethereum RPC API--which means seamless portability for EVM developers who account for 98% of on-chain TVL across all ecosystems.
Our system is designed to ensure that transactions cannot be read by external observers. This is achieved through a mechanism of trusted validators.
DAO Powered Bridge between TON and EVM networks
Allows anyone to make deposits and earn interest от обмена
Profitability of TON, ETH, USDT up to 20% per annum
Exchange one currency for another while transferring to another network
Tonereum is the first Layer that incorporates native TON yield. Your balance on Tonereum compounds automatically
The only Chain with native yield for TON, ETH and stablecoins
Community Rewards
Developers Rewards
DAO Reserve
Seed Sale
Private Sale
Public Sale
including on-chain DAOs
including the Treasury distribution protocol
To ensure network functionality, protocols such as DEXes, Lending, Liquid staking, Farming, Algorithmic StableCoins
CEO, co-Founder, expert in DeFi and FinTech, 8+ years of serial entrepreneurship and co-founding DeFi and FinTech projects, team lead and crisis manager in blockchain projects, in crypto industry since 2016
CTO, Co-Founder, expert in DeFi and FinTech, 8+ years of non-stop building blockchain projects, team lead, in crypto industry since 2016
Co-Founder, Fintech expert, 15+ years of entrepreneurship and business consulting, in crypto industry since 2016
CAO, Expert in tokenomics and business models, PhD in Economics, Master in Maths, 19+ years of business and finance consulting, in the crypto industry since 2016
CBDO, 10+ years in analytics and marketing, in the crypto industry since 2016